Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Heavenly Romp!

I was reminded of this poem yesterday when my sister posted another one by the same author on her facebook page. They are both about heaven - hers is rather poignant while this one is more fun. But both of them make me think of my grandma and the wonder of her now being in heaven. I don't know exactly what she is doing there, but I like to think that she's having a heavenly romp.

Heavenly Playground
Oh God, I'm not anxious to snuff it,
but when the Grim Reaper reaps me,
I'll try to rely on
my vision of Zion,
I know how I want it to be.

As soon as you greet me in Heaven,
and ask what I'd like, I shall say,
"I just want a chance
for my spirit to dance,
I want to be able to play."

Tell the angels to build a soft playground,
designed and equipped just for me,
with a vertical slide
that's abnormally wide,
and oceans of green PVC.

There'll be reinforced netting to climb on,
and rubberized floors that will bend,
and no one can die,
so I needn't be shy
if I'm tempted to land on a friend!

I'm gonna go mad in the soft, squashy mangle,
and balmy with balls in the swamp,
colored and spherical,
I'll be hysterical!
I'll have a heavenly romp!

There'll be cushions and punch bags and tires
in purple and yellow and red,
and a mushroomy thing
that will suddenly sing
if I kick it or sit on its head.

There'll be fountains of squash and ribena
to feed my continual thirst,
and none of that stuff
about "You've had enough,"
surely heavenly bladders won't burst.

I suppose I might be too tall for the entrance,
but Lord, chuck the rules in the bin.
If I am too large,
tell the angel in charge
to let me bow down and come in.

~Adrian Plass

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