Sunday, February 5, 2012


In case you missed it, we had quite a snowstorm in Denver this week. It started snowing on Thursday night and continued until late Saturday morning. We got about a foot and a half in my neighborhood. This is what greeted me Saturday in the parking lot when I finally braved going outdoors. That's my car in the background, covered with snow. 

Need a closer look? Here you go. It was quite a workout getting all that snow off the top. I didn't even attempt to get out of the parking lot yesterday since it was such a mess. When I went out today, they had brought a plow through, and there was a huge pile of snow blocking my car.

Instead of dealing with it, I went for a walk. Imagine my surprise and delight when I returned to find that someone had dug me out! I have no idea who it was, but I'm very thankful.

I took my camera with me on my walk and snapped a few snow pictures. I thought my warm weather friends might appreciate some snowy pictures.

 Fancy a picnic anyone?

It was gorgeous outside. Not too cold, but cold enough.

Unfortunately, I discovered rather quickly that the shoes I was wearing were NOT waterproof. (Note to self: Buy snowboots!)

The geese and ducks were all huddled on the snow and standing in the pond. And I thought my feet were cold! They looked like they were freezing. I want to get them all some little goose galoshes and mufflers.

I passed this bench and had to laugh. Notice the two butt prints in the snow. I hope whoever was sitting there was wearing waterproof pants.

More snow trekking.

 I began to wonder about my judgment about halfway across this part of the path. It was hard going. It's hard to tell from the picture, but the snow is about 2 feet deep.

I really wanted to make a snow angel in this snow.

About two blocks from home this robin landed in the tree above me and let me take his picture. A sure sign of the coming spring!

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