Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm Ready For Spring!

All signs point to Spring's imminent arrival: the days are getting longer, robins are hopping about, tulips are coming up, jelly beans are in abundance at the grocery store, and things are starting to get green. But most of all, I'm getting really impatient.

Over the past few years, I have developed an extreme dislike for Winter. I get tired of always being cold, scraping ice off my windshield, driving in know, all those non-fun wintry things.

Last week the weather was beautiful. I spent lots of time outside taking long walks and soaking up the sunshine. It was glorious. Today it is bleak. The sky is grey, there is a cold breeze, and I would like nothing more than to snuggle up under a blanket and take a nap.

So Spring, I know you're lurking about on the fringes and even though the calendar says your arrival is still a couple of weeks away, no one will care if you come and stay a little early. I will embrace you with open arms, and everyone knows I'm stingy with my hugs, so it's a really big deal. Come quickly!

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