Sunday, January 31, 2016

Photo Challenge: January 17 - 31

Well, I made it to the end of month one of my photo challenge. I'm still having fun with it and plan to carry on. I got a new, somewhat fancy camera this week. Hopefully, once I learn how to use it, my pictures will improve. So now, without any further delay, the rest of January's pictures.

January 17 - Light

January 18 - With the Sky

January 19 - Sidelight

January 20 - Under

January 21 - Backlit

January 22 - Artificial Light

January 23 - Dappled

January 24 - Space

January 25 - A Favorite

January 26 - Angled

January 27 - Curved

January 28 - Cropped

January 29 - On

January 30 - Connected

January 31 - Texture

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Photo Challenge: January 1-16

I'm doing a photo challenge this year and will post my pictures here. How it works is each day there is a word or prompt, and I will take a picture that goes along with it. Some are easy, but some some are kind of hard. I guess that is what makes it a challenge. I am using the prompts from Capture Your 365.

So, here we go!

January 1 - Fresh Start
January 2 - One Word

January 3 - Self Portrait

January 4 - Need This 
January 5 - Makes Me Happy
January 6 - Pushing Myself
January 7 - Good For Me
January 8 - Where I Stand
January 9 - A Relationship
January 10 - Monochrome
January 11 - Complimentary
January 12 - Draw
January 13 - Mostly White
January 14 - Black and White
January 15 - A Treasure
January 16 - Sepia