Saturday, December 26, 2015

Boxing Day

Well, we made it through another Christmas. We hugged our relatives, opened gifts, sang carols, ate know, the whole lot, and it was lovely. Now it is time for the inevitable let down that threatens to steal my joy each year the day after Christmas. This year I will try not to let it get the best of me.

I came across a song this year which expresses my feelings on the day perfectly. Here is Boxing Day by Relient K.

Merry day after Christmas. Here's to the coming spring!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

This week I was introduced to the Christmas wonder of John Lewis advertisements. I'm not exactly sure what or where John Lewis is, but if we had it in the United States, I would do all my shopping there simply because these ads are so wonderful.

This one is my favorite and quite possibly the best thing you will see this holiday season.

This one is pretty neat, too. 

And here is one more.

Don't you just feel warm and fuzzy after seeing these? Love, love, love.