Sunday, October 30, 2011

To Autumn...

I've been a little busy the past couple of weeks and have not spent nearly enough time outdoors enjoying the fall, so I made a point of finding time today to go walking by the river. It is beautiful out...the kind of day I wish we could have year round.

The cold and snow we had last week did a number on the colors, but brown can be pretty too. I was thinking of going all Keats on everyone and writing an ode to fall, but I think I will just let my pictures do the talking instead. Enjoy.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I heard this song on the radio the other day and was reminded of this muppet sketch. I never get tired of watching it. It makes me laugh.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Six by Lloyd Alexander

Over the past couple of months I read the six books in Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydian series.

The books are: The Book of ThreeThe Black CauldronThe Castle of LlyrTaran WandererThe High King, and The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydian.

The books were written in the 1960s and are loosely based on ancient Welsh legends. I chose to read them because The High King won the Newbery Award in 1969, and The Black Cauldron was named a Newbery Honor Book a few years before.

The books are best read as a set, although if the reader doesn't mind missing out on some background they can be read singly. This series is full of memorable characters who are, to name a few, kings, princesses, war lords, bards, enchanters, hags, fair folk, gardeners, pig-keepers, and a harry little creature named Gurgi. Each book centers around a battle of good vs. evil, and as the stories progress, the characters become stronger, braver, and more skilled because of their past experiences.

I usually don't read fantasy books and wasn't sure I would like these, but once I got used to the silly names and into the plot, I ended up finding them to be quite enjoyable and memorable.

After reading The Black Cauldron I watched Disney's version. The first two-thirds of the movie combine The Book of Three and The Black Cauldron and then I don't know where they got the ending. It's a fun movie in a creepy sort of way, but not at all for small children even though it's Disney and a cartoon.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Friends are friends forever...

Last weekend I headed up to Greeley for a concert featuring Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith who are traveling together on their 2 Friends Tour.

I have literally been a fan of Amy Grant for as long as I can remember. Her first albums came out around the time I was born. My mom had them on vinyl, and we listened often.

I didn't get into Michael W. Smith's music until a little later. I was nine or ten years old and my mom bought my sister and me one of his records. I had no idea at the time who Michael W. Smith was, but I remember thinking that I was pretty cool and grown up because I had a "rock and roll" album.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this concert. I haven't really kept up with either of their newer music, but I was hopeful that they would sing a few of their older songs. And they didn't disappoint on that. Almost the whole concert was a trip down memory lane.

Part of the concert they sang together and some was solo, although it seemed like Amy was on the stage more than Michael. Some of the highlights for me were Amy and Michael performing Angels Watching Over MeEmmanuel from the Christmas albums, Sing Your Praise to the Lord, and a group sing along with Thy Word.

Also, Amy's solo, just her and her guitar, of El Shaddai and Michael's performance of Rocketown made my night.

It was a really neat concert, even though they ended it by singing Friends, (seriously I wish that song would go away), and I'm glad I had the opportunity to go.

*These pictures aren't mine. We weren't allowed to take pictures during the concert, so I stole these from Amy's facebook page.